Jewish Federation of El Paso & Las Cruces

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Swords of Iron Resources for I&O Chairs and Professionals

Dear Israel and Overseas Professionals and Chairs,

As we reach the twelfth day of the war in Israel, we express deep gratitude to each of you for your sacred work on behalf of our brothers and sisters in Israel in this most difficult time.

We are committed to sharing information and providing resources to you as you engage in Jewish Federations’ collective work.

Last Wednesday, Jewish Federations launched an unprecedented $500 million emergency campaign to support Israel in its time of need. The following day the first collective allocations were made.

In this initial allocation, Federations granted over $10 million to address urgent humanitarian needs, such as housing, medical supplies and equipment, trauma counseling, and support for the devastated frontline communities.  

An emergency allocations committee co-chaired by Jeff Schoenfeld and Steve Hoffman will meet tomorrow to allocate the next set of urgent collective allocations. 

The first allocations included an initial grant of $2 million by Jewish Federations to the Jewish Agency for Israel’s Fund for Victims of Terror (FVOT). A few days ago, professionals from the FVOT visited Asaf Harofe Shamir Medical Center to support Ronen (Ronnie) Gabay who is hospitalized there. Ronen serves as the Sderot Community Coordinator of Ongoing Security with the IDF. He was among the first on the scene on Shabbat morning, October 7, and together with the unit he commands and with his brother-in-law, Yair Avinoam, he fought off the terrorists who had infiltrated Sderot.

Ronen rescued a police officer under fire and, together with Yair, rescued two young girls who saw their parents murdered in front of them when their car was attacked by Hamas terrorists. Ronen sustained complex gunshot wounds to his shoulder and shrapnel wounds to his legs.

The Fund for Victims of Terror gave Ronen’s family an emergency grant so they could cover immediate expenses and reminded them that this expression of love and care was a concrete expression of the deep support for Israel and for them being sent by our North American Jewish community.

Here are five resources you should be aware of:

1.   Details on the first round of approved collective allocations (October 12, 2023)

2.   Jewish Federations Swords of Iron Resource Toolkit including social media language, talking points, ways to donate and advocate, visual assets, and more.

3.   FAQ on donating equipment to IDF soldiers

4.   FAQ on volunteers coming to Israel from North America

5.   List of emergency phone numbers in Israel

Here's what you can do to help:

1.   Blue Ribbons for Israel is an initiative organized by the Jewish Federations of North America along with leaders and partners across the global Jewish community. The blue ribbon symbolizes support and solidarity for the safe return of the hostages taken by Hamas terrorists in Israel. It symbolizes solidarity with the hostages, their families, and all who care about their safety. We encourage you to read more about the initiative and join us.

2.   The Community Mobilization Center, powered by the Jewish Federations of North America, is monitoring major developments in Israel and North America related to Israel’s war to defend herself against Hamas. The Community Mobilization Center will rapidly disseminate resources to help mobilize and support our local communities as they work to build and sustain civic and political support for Israel in this conflict. Read the latest Community Mobilization Center dispatch, and sign up to receive future dispatches.

On a personal note, Jewish Federations’ Israel-based staff wish to express their appreciation for the messages and show of support we and the country have received from our brothers and sisters in North America. Every email you send to colleagues and friends here in Israel, every rally you attend in your community, show us that we’re not alone - and that means more than you can imagine.

Wishing for a swift and decisive end to the war and peaceful days ahead.

Am Yisrael Chai,

Jeff Schoenfeld, Chair, Israel and Overseas

Becky Caspi, Director General, Israel Office, and Senior Vice President, Israel and Overseas