After delving into the rich history, traditions, and rituals that make the Jewish culture unique, our post-B’nai mitzvah students can enhance their celebrations by establishing a NextGen Teen Philanthropy Fund with the Jewish Community Foundation of El Paso.

Contribute $250 and complete a fund agreement (see form below). Your synagogue will match $250, and the Jaffee Family will provide an additional $500 match.

About the Program

Under the guidance and generosity of Joyce Jaffee, the NextGen Teen Philanthropy Fund and program were started in 2022. This initiative transforms Jewish philanthropy by empowering young adults to make a difference through personal and committed giving.

Participants gain insights into contemporary philanthropy and allocate grants to organizations and causes they are passionate about within the Jewish community. The program fosters learning about leadership, service, financial literacy, and sustainable investment to utilize tzedakah for positive impact. Starting with a $1,000 fund, this marks the beginning of your journey towards becoming a Jewish Philanthropist.

Ready to sign up?

Submit the form below and send a $250 check to:

The Jewish Community Foundation of El Paso
4150 Rio Bravo, Suite 222
El Paso, TX 79902


Contact the Jewish Federation at or 915.842.9554
or Stuart Schiloff, JCFEP Board President, at 915.799.7815

Read more about the program HERE